Highlights & Insights on European Taxation (H&I) bevat diepgaande informatie over actuele ontwikkelingen binnen het Europees belastingrecht zoals de omzetbelasting, douane, accijnzen en de winstbelasting. Een team van internationale experts becommentarieert jurisprudentie van het Europese Hof van Justitie, voorstellen van de Europese Commissie en andere Europese instanties.
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Verschenen in Highlights & Insights
Judgment of the Court of Justice in the case Lomoco Development. Article 12 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC must be interpreted as meaning that a supply of land that, at the date of that supply, has only the foundations of residential housing structures in place, constitutes a supply of ‘building land’ within the meaning of that article.
Judgment of the Court of Justice in the case Volvo Group Belgium.
Opinion of Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona in the case Tauritus.
This step follows Georgia’s formal agreement to accede to the treaties on 19 December 2024. By joining the treaties, Georgia will become part of a network that facilitates the cross-border movement of goods between the EU and other participating countries, including Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and the UK. The simplified rules for border crossing, such as mutually recognised financial guarantees and fewer checks, will reduce costs for businesses in th...
The EU-Chile Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) will enter into force on 1 February 2025 and will replace the previous EU-Chile Association Agreement. The ITA introduces a simpler approach to establishing preferential origin. Instead of the EUR.1 certificate or invoice declarations, exporters and importers can now use self-certification, based on origin declarations, even for multiple consignments of identical products, or on the knowledge of the importer. European Commission , 06 January 2025, no...
American President Trump has released a memorandum in which he states that the OECD Global Tax Deal supported under the prior administration not only allows extraterritorial jurisdiction over American income but also limits our Nation’s ability to enact tax policies that serve the interests of American businesses and workers. Because of the Global Tax Deal and other discriminatory foreign tax practices, American companies may face retaliatory international tax regimes if the United States doe...
29 countries (EU Member States and other countries that are part of the Common Transit Convention) have rolled out and are operational with the new phase 5 of NCTS and operations are running smoothly in all countries. After the successful roll-out in Greece (GR) and North Macedonia (MK), the remaining countries, namely Andorra (AD), Belgium (BE), Hungary (HU), Malta (MT), Portugal (PT) and San Marino (SM), went live on Tuesday 21/01/2025. The accession of these countries to NCTS-P5 marks the ...
In the Memorandum America First Trade Policy, the new US President Trump announces he is establishing a robust and reinvigorated trade policy that promotes investment and productivity, enhances the Nation’s industrial and technological advantages, defends the American economic and national security, and benefits American workers, manufacturers, farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses. One of the measures is that the Secretary of the Treasury shall investigate the feasibility of estab...
The Chair of the tax subcommittee of the European Parliament has reacted to US President Trump’s withdrawal from the OECD global agreement on a minimum global tax rate for multinationals. The US withdrawal from the OECD global agreement on multinational taxation, endorsed by 139 countries, is a significant setback. Trump's decision benefits multinationals and ultra-billionaires who supported his campaign. The burden will fall on citizens and small to medium-sized enterprises, who will continu...
Commissioner Dombrovskis has given a reaction on the Presidential Memorandum on the OECD Global Tax Deal at the ECOFIN press conference. The Commission has taken note of the Presidential Memorandum on the OECD Global Tax Deal. The Commission remains committed to our international obligations undertaken over the last years and is open to a meaningful dialogue with our international partners. While the Commission regrets the content of the Memorandum, we trust that it is worth taking the time t...
In the speech of António Costa, the new President of the European Council, he underlines that only together can Europe address the biggest challenges Europe is facing. On the relation with the United States, Costa mentions that the EU and the United States are each other’s largest trading and investment partners. It is in the interest of both to keep fostering a stable, balanced and predictable trade relationship. The EU is looking forward to working closely with the new US Administration to ...
The code of conduct group has re-elected María José Garde (Spain) as its chair, for a second term of two years starting on 5 February 2025. European Commission , 29 January 2025, no. Chair CCGThe code of conduct group has re-elected María José Garde (Spain) as its chair, for a second term of two years starting on 5 February 2025. María José Garde has chaired this Council preparatory body that oversees the implementation of the EU’s code of conduct on business taxation group since 2023. María ...
Judgment of the Court of Justice in the case Herdijk. Article 273 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC must be interpreted as not precluding national legislation under which a director of an entity which has not complied with the obligation to notify its inability to pay a value added tax debt must, in order to be relieved of his or her joint and several liability for the payment of that debt, demonstrate that the failure to comply with that notification obligation is not attributable to him or her, in so far as the legislation in question does not limit the possibility of demonstrating that circumstance solely to cases of force majeure, but allows the director to raise any circumstance capable of showing that he or she is not responsible for the failure to comply with that notification obligation. Article 273 of Directive 2006/112 must be interpreted as not precluding national legislation which has the effect that the director of an entity which has failed to notify the latter’s inability to pay remains jointly and severally liable for the payment of a value added tax debt relating to a particular period, whereas he or she has been released from a debt on the same basis related to an immediately following period after being able to demonstrate that he or she acted in good faith and exhibited, during the previous three years, all the due diligence required of a circumspect trader in order to prevent the entity from being unable to honour its obligations and his or her participation in abuse or fraud is excluded.
Judgment of the Court of Justice in the case SEM Remont. Council Directive 2006/112/EC must be interpreted as not precluding legislation of a Member State under which the recipient of a supply subject to VAT is denied the right to deduct that tax, provided for by that directive, where the supplier, first, has failed to fulfil its obligation, laid down by that legislation, to submit an application for registration for VAT purposes and issued for the recipient invoices not stating VAT, and, second, issued, during a tax inspection, a report stating that VAT and in which that supplier was put forward as also being the recipient of that supply. Directive 2006/112 and the principle of neutrality of VAT must be interpreted as not precluding legislation of a Member State which excludes the possibility of correcting an invoice where, first, the invoice which the supplier has provided to the recipient of a supply subject to VAT did not state that tax and, second, during a tax inspection of that supplier, the supplier drew up a report stating the VAT and putting forward the supplier as also being the recipient of that supply.
The European Commission registered a European Citizens' Initiative, entitled ‘HouseEurope! Power to Renovation’. The aim of the initiative is to create incentives for the renovation and transformation of existing buildings. The organisers call on the Commission to propose legislation incentivising the reuse of existing buildings based on: (i) ‘tax reductions for renovation works and reused materials’; (ii) ‘fair rules to assess both potentials and risks of existing buildings’; and (iii) ‘new ...
De Kennisgroep loonheffing algemeen heeft een standpunt ingenomen over het vaststellen van een zakelijke rente bij een koopsomlening, die wordt aangegaan ter financiering van de aankoop van aandelen in de werkgever.
De Kennisgroep IBR VPB & winst heeft vier standpunten ingetrokken in verband met de inwerkingtreding van het Besluit Vermijden van dubbele belasting onder de toepassing van de belastingverdragen en andere regelingen ter vermijding van dubbele belasting.
Het kabinet wil dat mensen die het financieel moeilijk hebben, actief gewezen worden op uitkeringen, toeslagen en andere sociale voorzieningen waar zij recht op hebben. Om dat mogelijk te maken wil minister Eddy van Hijum (Sociale Zaken, NSC) de wet zo aanpassen dat gemeenten en uitkeringsinstanties onderling gegevens mogen uitwisselen. Dit voorstel is vrijdag naar de Raad van State gestuurd voor advies.